Friday, January 18, 2008

Blow my smokes away, the wind did

Riverside Weather
So unpredictable
The reason I like to smoke is so I could watch the smoke rise up and away
but the freaking wind has made it fly a lot quicker. Damn
Speaking of which, I was talking to my friends about that
and I was like
"Cigs are like guys. You give them so much love and in return they give you fucken cancer."
We got a good laugh out of that.
Anyways, today was yet again WINDY.
The weather is trying to trick me I swear. I look outside and it's sunny and I plan my outfit accordingly and then bam, the wind hits.
It's alright though cause I was still kind of warm. I didn't go to class because I bumped into my good friend, Erly so we just wander around. Oh that's the life.

and here's the necklace I bought at Forever 21
This guy that I buy cigs from keep asking me to buy him one and I give him the weirdest look
and told him he should try something more for guys. LOL.
and then i went home and took a four hour nap.

Oh and I'm tryna come up with an outfit for these head bands I bought.

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